I Now Suspect the Vagus Nerve Is the Key to Well-being

The challenge I am presented with is how to bring something so simple out the complexities we’ve been enmeshed with for such a long time now. By moving out of materialism the predominate perspective we have of ourselves and the physical world into an expanded view that everything is primarily energy. This is the future unfolding within us.

One may ask, how within us? It is to this I will write. We’ve all heard the phrase “we are all one”  yet to our outward seeing eyes we perceive division and an infinite manifestation of forms, from the people we meet to the animals, trees, oceans, rivers and the earth beneath our feet it appears we are separate. Most of us think that “we are all one” as a spiritual concept and rarely take enough time to deepen into the greater reality these words contain.

This is where our work with plasma technologies (plasma can also be referred to as the ethers) is the bridge between what we see and what we don’t see. Most aliments and disease are due to imbalance, in our own bodies and certainly that which is apparent on our Earth. Due to overuse of toxic chemicals and wanton disregard on how mechanized “technologies” are destroying the innate balance of our planet we are seeing creatures disappearing at an alarming rate, weather anomalies, etc. What we are learning and experiencing is that by bringing back the inner balance to the living cells our bodies and all life forms we initiate and support a natural process that helps us return to health, vibrancy and well being.

Have you ever read something a million times only to one day, for no apparent reason, think “Wait, what is that?” This happened to me the other day for “the vagus nerve.”

I kept coming across it in relation to deep breathing and mental calmness: “Breathing deeply,” Katie Brindle writes in her new book Yang Sheng: The Art of Chinese Self-Healing, “immediately relaxes the body because it stimulates the vagus nerve, which runs from the neck to the abdomen and is in charge of turning off the ‘fight or flight’ reflex.” Also: “Stimulating the vagus nerve,” per a recent Harvard Health blog post, “activates your relaxation response, reducing your heart rate and blood pressure.” And: Deep breathing “turns on the vagus nerve enough that it acts as a brake on the stress response,” as an integrative medicine researcher told the Cut last year.

I liked this idea that we have something like a secret piano key, under our skin, to press internally to calm us down. Or like a musical string to pluck. At this point I was envisioning the vagus nerve as a single inner cord, stretching from the head to the stomach. In reality, the vagus nerve is a squiggly, shaggy, branching nerve connecting most of the major organs between the brain and colon, like a system of roots or cables. It is the longest nerve in the body, and technically it comes as a pair of two vagus nerves, one for the right side of the body and one for the left. It’s called “vagus” because it wanders, like a vagrant, among the organs. The vagus nerve has been described as “largely responsible for the mind-body connection,” for its role as a mediator between thinking and feeling, and I’m tempted to think of it as something like a physical manifestation of the soul. Also: “When people say ‘trust your gut,’” as one Psychology Today writer put it several years ago, “they really mean ‘trust your vagus nerve.’”

I became increasingly enchanted with this nerve, even as it felt like I understood it less and less. How does this all work? How does activating a nerve calm us down? Is this why I get so needlessly upset about things?

“Stimulating the vagus nerve to the heart has a really powerful effect on slowing the heart rate,” said Lucy Norcliffe-Kaufmann, associate professor of neurology at NYU-Langone. And this, specifically, is what relaxes us. The vagus nerve is basically listening to the way we breathe, and it sends the brain and the heart whatever message our breath indicates. Breathing slowly, for instance, reduces the oxygen demands of the heart muscle (the myocardium), and our heart rate drops. Get unlimited access to The Cut and everything else New York. Learn More »

The vagus nerve is essentially the queen of the parasympathetic nervous system — a.k.a. the “rest and digest,” or the “chill out” one — so the more we do things that “stimulate” or activate it, like deep breathing, the more we banish the effects of the sympathetic nervous system — a.k.a. the “fight or flight,” or the “do something!” stress-releasing adrenaline/cortisol one.

Put another way, “Your body senses your breathing and adapts its heart rate in response,” Norcliffe-Kaufmann told me. When we breathe in, she explained, the sensory nodes on our lungs (“lung stretch receptors”) send information up through the vagus nerve and into the brain, and when we breathe out, the brain sends information back down through the vagus nerve to slow down or speed up the heart. So when we breathe slowly, the heart slows, and we relax. Conversely, when we breathe quickly, our heart speeds up, and we feel amped, or anxious.

I was surprised by the idea that it’s specifically the exhale that triggers the relaxation response, but Norcliffe-Kaufmann confirmed: “Vagal activity is highest, and heart rate lowest, when you’re exhaling.” She mentioned that the ideal, most calming way to breathe is six times a minute: five seconds in, five seconds out. She also noted that in the study that determined this rate, researchers found that this style of slow breathing is also what practitioners naturally lapse into during meditation with mantras, and during the Ave Maria prayer with rosaries. “Each time you do either the rosary prayer or a meditation mantra,” Norcliffe-Kaufmann said, “it naturally synchronizes your breathing at six times per minute.” (“That’s fascinating,” I said. “It is!” she said.)

It made me wonder if there are ways of measuring the quality of the vagus nerve, or “vagal tone,” as Norcliffe-Kaufmann described it. This is basically how healthy, strong, and functional the nerve is. One way, she said, is to measure heart rate variability (HRV) — it’s a sort of “surrogate” for measuring actual vagal tone (barring open chest surgery). Heart rate variability is the amount that the heart rate fluctuates between a breath in (when it naturally speeds up) and a breath out (when it naturally slows down). That is, heart rate rises on the inhale and falls on the exhale, and the difference between those two rates essentially measures vagal tone. Athletes are known to have higher vagal tone, for example, whereas people who experience extended periods of bed rest — and astronauts in no-gravity situations — are known to have lower vagal tone. (How quickly your heart rate slows after exercising is also a good marker of vagal tone.) Vagus nerve stimulation has also been proposed as a way to treat addiction (some heavy drinkers, for instance, have low vagal tone).

Certain devices measure HRV — and I’ve personally tried a chest strap and a wristband, but I got stumped on what to do with the data — although Norcliffe-Kaufmann is skeptical about their reliability. “Those technologies are coming,” she said, “but it’s more important to focus on breathing and feeling calm and balanced, rather than on a number.” Some other practices believed to improve vagal tone (beyond deep, slow breathing) include laughing, singing, humming, yoga, acupuncture, and splashing the face with cold water — or having a full-body cold rinse. (Stimulation of the vagus nerve, both manually and with electricity, has also been used to control seizures in epilepsy patients, reduce inflammation, and treat clinical depression.)

Writing this story, and after talking with Norcliffe-Kaufmann, I found myself breathing more slowly and feeling calmer. Not necessarily happy, but steady. Slow breathing is boring, but it’s almost sad how effective it is. I’d usually rather spend hundreds of dollars to get a gadget to track myself than do this free and more-effective thing.

“If you’re in a stressful situation,” Norcliffe-Kaufmann said, “and you’re like, How do I respond, how do I respond? — if you consciously slow down your breathing just for one minute, or even a few seconds, you can put yourself in a calmer state, to be able to better communicate.”

Plasma Physics | Cold Plasma Technologies with amazing health benefits!


Good morning friends, whenever I carve out a space in time to write I am thinking of the so many people in my life who have given so fully from their hearts and souls. While you are those I speak to I am being led to give this information out to the greater whole and attempt to build a field of coherent comprehension of the magnificent simplicity of creation which we are intrinsically a part of.

Those who are close know that I initiated an on the ground ‘health shop’ a friend here in Mexico. We have a magical shop created from the pure intent of Spirit and the bestowing of many gifts.

The challenge I am presented with is how to bring something so simple out the complexities we’ve been enmeshed with for such a long time now. By moving out of materialism the predominate perspective we have of ourselves and the physical world into an expanded view that everything is primarily energy. This is the future unfolding within us.

One may ask, how within us? It is to this I will write. We’ve all heard the phrase “we are all one”  yet to our outward seeing eyes we perceive division and an infinite manifestation of forms, from the people we meet to the animals, trees, oceans, rivers and the earth beneath our feet it appears we are separate. Most of us think that “we are all one” as a spiritual concept and rarely take enough time to deepen into the greater reality these words contain.

This is where our work with plasma technologies (plasma can also be referred to as the ethers) is the bridge between what we see and what we don’t see. Most aliments and disease are due to imbalance, in our own bodies and certainly that which is apparent on our Earth. Due to overuse of toxic chemicals and wanton disregard on how mechanized “technologies” are destroying the innate balance of our planet we are seeing creatures disappearing at an alarming rate, weather anomalies, etc. What we are learning and experiencing is that by bringing back the inner balance to the living cells our bodies and all life forms we initiate and support a natural process that helps us return to health, vibrancy and well being.

In these days we are confronted with so many chronic diseases that for all the billions of dollars of research money are never cured. The best that what we call modern medicine can do is ameliorate and suppress symptoms and many are caught in a loop of pharmaceutical drugs, each one producing side effects that are often and unfortunately treated with more drugs.

To be fair at times these preparations are necessary in limited amount and usage, along with the advances in surgical procedures to repair broken bones and other traumas caused by accidents modern medicine has a welcome place. Again I return to the word balance, indicating the harmonious whole, that which is the ordering of the natural world.

Plasma Physics – An Invitation to Explore

The length of this writing would be too long if I were to delve into plasma physics and since I am not a scientist I will simply introduce the reader to a few of the many who are doing this work, for those who are interested I will leave links at the bottom of this article.

Fundamentally real scientists, not those stuck in the prevailing scientism that has lost touch with true scientific research, are doing some mind bending research which is clearly demonstrating that our cosmos, our solar system, our Earth and the human body are all governed by the same dynamics, field perturbation or resonance (production of movement within the field or ethers) due to electricity (dielectric charge) and magnetism. The concept is so simple that many miss it on first view so I invite those with open curious minds to do some exploration. [Please see videos at end of this writing.]

Plasma Technologies – A Basic Introduction

GANS – Gas at Nano State was developed and introduced by Mehran Tavakoli Keshe an Iranian nuclear engineer. He and his foundation brought together many engineers, scientists, and lay people from all over the world and while there is much controversy surrounding him many have benefited from this technology. Today there are thousands of individuals around the globe who are working with cold plasma production and using it in a wide variety of ways, our main focus is to promote healing and a return to a sustainable balanced life.

Here is a brief description of the terminology and methodology used in plasma production:

Matter: The physical viewable structure is called matter which is the well known three states, solid, liquid and gas. In the state of matter the atoms and molecules are tightly bound together.

Nano: In the nano state the molecules and atoms are opened to create space so that the energy can more freely move between them thereby releasing the energy potential. Allow that I add a word of caution here, nano is a measurement and as many are now concerned about nanobots and other nano technologies that are harmful to our living cells it is suggested that you consider that anything in existence can be utilized for positive life enhancing technologies as well as detrimental life destroying technologies. These harmful uses are a concern however this is not the intent of this writing to disclose this at this time, for in reality we all exist in all the phases of matter from the plasmatic to the solid and we all are at one level nano.

Plasmatic: Using a simple process of either electrical current or acid to open the structure of matter into the nano state we create a superconductive surface. Here you can think of your stomach acid that opens the molecules of the food to unlock not only the nutrients but the energy within the food. To precipitate the plasma that is produced we set these materials into a saline water solution. It is rather miraculous to watch this process, tiny particles that are being created can be described as minuscule suns, each emitting an energy field that can’t yet be measured. This confounds scientist that have declared, if you can’t measure something it doesn’t exist.

However the field of energy can be seen as shown in the photos below. These photos were taken of our plasma production, when frozen and it can be clearly seen that there is a field of energy, in the bottom right photo one can detect that these fields are torodial.

Does our consciousness affect the manner in which creation occurs?

The work of thousands of scientists, poets, artists, and mystics whose Observations of Nature answer this question with a resounding Yes! Most are familiar with the infinite patterns of snowflakes, do ponder that because if you do it should blow your mind.

Inwardly giving attention to our own resonance or field perturbation becomes the essential realization that our thoughts, feelings and emotions do affect the whole.


The important work of Masaru Emoto along with many others clearly demonstrates this to our seeing eyes.



The heart is a bio-magnetic field generator, in other words it is an essential observation of how we are influencing the dynamics of the whole, the stronger the heart’s beat, the more we tune this most vital organ are we able to ameliorate the stresses of daily life.

Plasma is an amazing way to regenerate and repair damaged cells, returning them to an original state of perfection.

“We use elements such as carbon, iron, zinc and copper as well as gold, silver and other elements. Herbs, crystals and any other material can be used with nanotechnology to create a plasma which is known as the fourth state of matter although it can more appropriately be called the first state of matter.

Plasma holds an extremely high vibration and can be utilized for the benefit of humans, animals, and plants alike. Changing the condition of the elements from a material state to a nano state and then to the form of plasma (GaNS, gas at a nano state) increases the potential energy of the substance.

Once a plasma is created the information of the plasma can be copied into water, at this point it can be used in a wide variety of applications such as body care products, medicines, pain relief gels or patches, etc.

Once the conceptualization of some very simple principles are internalized and we begin to shift our perception from the purely physical model to the energetic one the potential is infinite.”

Nature Reveals in The Same Pattern

“The book of nature is written in the language of mathematics.”

~ Galileo Galilei

Nature’s spiral of life in perfect mathematics and beauty reveals that from a central point life moves outward. This pattern is repeated in every particle from the atom, now seen energetically as a toroidal form, from the emerging human fetus to the formation of solar systems, stars, galaxies and beyond.

Recommended resources and videos:

The side effects and the damage to our bodies natural healing capabilities are being shown to be due to overuse of pharmaceutical drugs, vaccines and toxic chemicals, it is my humble opinion that we all owe it to ourselves and future generations to inform ourselves to not take the prevailing line of politically and financially imposed dogmas as true:

Del Bigtree is an activist whose research into the harm we are doing to our children and ourselves is one of the most well informed and motivated people to listen to.

This interview with Professor Christopher Exley is highly recommended for those who are concerned about the effects of aluminum in vaccines and other vectors in which it enters our bodies.

To find out more about plasma physics and the electrical universe a good place to begin is with Thunderbolts Project and the much appreciated work of Suspicious 0bservers (Ben Davidson).

Garrett Hill: Laboratory Investigations into Nature | EU2017 This is an upload from Thunderbolts Project with the following description:

“Coherent patterns exist in nature at all scales, and electricity seems to have an important role in the evolution of all things. Have you ever wondered how species-specific pollination occurs or how certain creatures can exhibit seemingly instantaneous collective coherent movements at high speeds? This presentation will introduce a company and some of their research into coherent structures in rotating plasmas and self-assembly in electric fields. Garrett will show laboratory experiments from a variety of devices and will discuss ideas on how the results may inform more comprehensive theories around the analogous phenomenon observed in nature.”

The Fourth State of Matter Could Scrub Viruses From The Air

This is a recent video release from mainstream science that is also exploring the potential uses of plasma. “Using cold plasma as an air purifier is not only safe, but can eliminate 99.9% of a test virus from the air…in a fraction of a second! According to research from University of Michigan, here’s how it works.”

I could include over a thousand references all relating to the now is future potential for the human being yet many are in need of more immediate help either because they are suffering from curable pain and disease or the emotional upheaval of loved ones who are suffering. Below are a few resources using basic graphics that we’ve prepared for those who want to start using plasma in their daily lives.

Here are a few downloadable PDF files to help you get started:

Handbook for Applications of Plasma

El Árbol Brochure English

El Árbol Brochure Spanish

Where to purchase and find more information about plasma:

Contact either Tom Salas or Christine Anderson Facebook:  El Árbol de la Vida or through our website: El Árbol San Miguel

We will be offering a workshop on how to set up your own plasma reactor on June 22, 2019. Included in our presentation will be practical and simple applications, please join us. Plasma is an absolutely renewable energy source and the cost is minimal.

The below video is a short compilation of two plasma reactors and anyone can make one with a few inexpensive materials. In the second segment an experiment is performed by creating CO2 plasma in a sealed container with a CO2 meter, without any external current the reactor is pulling the CO2 out of the atmosphere.

About the author from a previous writing:  Electromagnetism and The Aethers | Where the Finite Meets the Infinite is Love

My name is Christine Anderson and I have been researching and writing for many years about the nature of reality, human consciousness and how conscious awareness interfaces with our world. In the process I became acutely aware that something wasn’t correct about how we were taught to think of the world. Since early childhood we are shown static models and given to believe that science knows everything. We are in great need to break down this paradigm into to the fundamentals of what lies beneath the physical form.

At the turn of last century many brilliant minds introduced a model of the Universe based on energy, magnetism and frequency. To name a few: Nikola Tesla, Dr. Wilhelm Reich, Viktor Schauberger, Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, and Royal Rife. The fact is this development of life enhancing rather than destructive technologies was suppressed, stolen, or destroyed. Dr. Reich was arrested and spent the end of his life in prison for developing a passive energy device that was bringing rain to the crop fields desolated by drought during the great depression. I mention this for those who are unaware to give pause and question why this was done.

Those whom were committed to keeping the world in a materialistic model ruled the day and so we entered the industrial revolution and with it came the dominance of the machine, from petrochemical fueled engines to the building of dams to produce electricity we have negatively impacted our world. We’ve been turned into consumers with little awareness of the ongoing destruction this mentality is creating nor do we know what lies behind it.

Human consciousness is now at a juncture, and we must choose whether to allow this destruction to continue or open our minds and hearts towards suppressed science and a more metaphysical or holistic view of reality. For as we allow for the continued destruction of our biome we are also experiencing damage to our bodies and our children’s bodies. Through the overuse of pharmaceutical drugs with all their side effects coupled with the now prevalent use of psychotropic or mood altering drugs millions of people all over the world have been irrevocably harmed.

For many decades now I have been a free thinker and deep diver in the unseen realm of energy. My work in this short video is to introduce suppressed knowledge and real science. It is an offering to help others come to an innerstanding of the true nature of reality.

We know, as it has been scientifically proven, that meditation and prayer have a positive affect on the whole as well as on the individual. To take this one step further is to open the mind to see how this occurs, to open the doors of perception and to open our hearts to the whole is the key. Once we fully comprehend how every thought, word and deed is creating reality we have the real knowledge to be the change we want to see in the world.

Once we relearn to think with our hearts bio-magnetic field, the possibilities are infinite for with love and an observant lucid mind we can create anything.

If you would like to know more please feel free to contact us.

The Importance of Balance

Most of us recognize that our lives have taken on a sense of urgency due to consuming constraints on our time and many feel a depletion in their vital energy. If we allow this state of being to continue for too long it can lead to the beginnings of illness.

We all have been told how stress is the primary cause of disease and yet few of us have delved a bit deeper into why we experience continued states of stress, many if not most have come to accept this as normal. In fact we live in a world that is full of stress from the financial and political sector to the expectations of behavioral norms which we live with and feel we need to conform to, this is often subconscious so we don’t see a prevailing pattern that has disconnected us from Nature and the rest of the world.

Even in this beautiful Mexican town we feel the impact of events happening close by or in our home countries. We observe the many systematic injustices around us every day when we walk down cobblestone streets or visit the local markets. Many do good works to help alleviate poverty and lack of opportunities for our fellow humans yet if we are honest it often feels like we aren’t doing enough. Poverty continues to exist and worse is that many fellow human beings live in countries torn by war and civil upheaval.

Even our yoga practice and other activities such as meditation and prayer are crunched into time constraints as the next appointment, obligation, or social engagement invades a real need to let go and just be. By writing about balance and harmony I am bringing in my own experiences and revelations.

What did our ancestors know that we have lost touch with?

The most obvious answer is the related to common sense for their survival was dependent on food supply, weather and shelter. They lived in a natural order and harmony with the Earth because this was vital in every way. As modern men and women we have come to depend on distribution of food neatly packaged in our local supermarket, medicine manufactured from pharmaceutical companies, our transportation dependent on petrochemical products that are harming our biome from the moment they are pumped out of the ground, to the refineries spewing plumes of toxic waste and into our vehicles emitting more toxins into the atmosphere. Because of our dependency on this harmful cycle we have detached ourselves from direct contact with nature, with trees, bees, birds and the infinite beauty and wonder of Mother Nature. This trajectory is unsustainable, when fully realizing this an imperative is born from within to reconnect.

How often do we really hear the still voice within?
A voice that can be heard as wind whispering in the branches of trees, or as the song of birds with the fist morning light, do we stop to notice that at sunset the birds fly toward the west? When is the last time we sat on a sun warmed boulder feeling connected… Or silently listened to the sound of the ocean coming ashore or the gentle lapping of a rivers current running along it’s course. There is a depth of wonder in these small things.

Silencing the dichotomy of the mind split into paradigms of right and wrong that is always arguing with itself and others is a choice every human can make. For the proliferation of digitalized reality through our televisions, smart phones, and the internet of things has created a false sense of what life really is.

How do reverence for life and gratitude affect our health?
Reverence is a word often reserved for religious ceremonies, for some unknowable deity. Even atheists and agnostics in their beliefs will miss the most reverent aspect of living on Earth, for without her abundance we could not live. There is a vital pulse that every human feels in their doings, it arises in the heart the moment we feel the amazing grace of being connected body, mind, and soul. With growing awareness we naturally will be filled with gratitude and that makes all the difference in the world.
We can cultivate silence for long periods or short momentary ones simply by remembering to give thanks.

Essiac Tea History and Recipe

This has been a critical concern since Essiac tea was introduced in Canada during the early 1920’s. For over 50 years, a humble nurse used the tea successfully with many terminal cancer patients from her clinic in the tiny Canadian village of Bracebridge,
north of Toronto.

At first, she accepted whatever anyone could easily afford, even eggs and produce, for her services. She turned no one down. After 1937, she charged no fees! She didn’t make money off the tea though she successfully treated many hundreds. Her rewards were harassment by the Canadian Health Ministry, and betrayal by a private corporation she had hoped would help make Essiac tea a legal cancer cure.

Though the name of the tea, Essiac, was derived from spelling Rene’s surname Caisse backwards, she was not the original formulator. The ingredients and recipe came originally from an Ojibway Native American medicine man in remote northern Canada.

Essiac’s Origin


Rene Caisse was an RN in a Canadian hospital in 1922 when she came upon an elderly patient who had survived breast cancer 30 years earlier. At that time, the woman was living in remote northern Canadian mining camp with her husband. She was admitted to a hospital for breast cancer and told her breasts would have to be removed. She decided against surgery and went back to the mining camp. In the camp area, she had earlier come upon an Ojibway medicine man who claimed he could cure her cancer.

Upon her return, he showed her which herbs to use, how to pick and culture them, and how to prepare the tea. She followed his instructions and within several months was completely cured. She lived in good health for another 30 years.

Since Rene had an aunt and step father with cancer at the time, she was interested in the herbs and how to prepare the tea. So that elderly woman conveyed the Ojbway medicine’s ingredients and recipe to nurse Caisse, who in turn treated her cancer stricken family members. Regarding her stepfather: “It took some time, said Rene, but eventually he was cured.”

From then, she continued with so much success that in 1933 the small town of Bracebridge allowed her to use the defunct British Lion Hotel as a clinic for virtually no rent, one dollar per month. She continued her work in the clinic from 1934 to 1942. Hundreds of Cancer patients were treated successfully, while she charged little or nothing. She cultivated the herbs, brewed the tea in the kitchen, and administered it both orally and by injection.

Of course, during that time and after, Rene Caisse was the center of controversy and harassment from Canadian authorities. She has stated that the only reason she was not imprisoned was because of popular support from Bracebridge’s Town Council, several prestigious doctors, and of course her many cured patients. One of whom was cured of both cancer and diabetes.

The diabetes cure surprised even Rene! Due to this support, from 1937 on, Nurse Caisse was permitted to treat cancer under the strict conditions of 1) treating only terminally ill patients, 2) using an established medical doctor for prognosis and diagnosis, and 3) not accepting any fees for her services. She agreed to those terms and continued.

Regarding her over 50 years of harassment, Rene lamented, “I never dreamed of the opposition and the persecution that would be my lot in trying to help suffering humanity with no thought of personal gain.”

Essiac Makes It’s Way to the USA

Despite so many successfully treated cancer patients’ testimonies, the general public was kept in the dark about Essiac Tea. Caisse made an effort to get the Essiac out into the public light in 1977, a year before her death. She made a deal with a company called Resperin, whom she thought had the clout to legalize her Essiac tea. But Caisse was told she was no longer needed after the agreement.

Resperin was actually in the pocket of the Canadian government and medical authorities. So that project vaporized, and the formula seemed destined to obscurity. Then along came a successful California chiropractor who specialized in treating world class athletes of all types, Dr. Gary Glum. He had heard about Essiac’s healing qualities and started his search for the formula and recipe.

He eventually came upon someone in Detroit, who chooses to remain anonymous, who was cured with Essiac of what was diagnosed as incurable cervical cancer. She had the original formula, and Gary bought it from her. Then Gary went to Canada to interview Mary McPhearson, a close personal friend and assistant to Nurse Caisse before Rene passed on in 1978.

There Dr. Glum also confirmed the authenticity of the formula he had purchased, and uncovered enough information about Rene Caisse and her work to begin writing his book, Calling of an Angel. In that book, Dr. Glum told the story of Rene Caisse, and he told how and where to get the formula, which since has been disseminated all over the western world.

Gary Glum had to self publish the book because it was so threatening to the cancer industry, and there was the danger of slam dunk wrongful death lawsuits on publishers since Essiac was not FDA approved. So no one would risk publishing it. That book and his second, Full Disclosure, which reveals the true source of AIDS as man made and the depopulation agenda, put Glum in harm’s way for some time.

He was harassed by US Marshals and almost completely financially ruined by bogus IRS claims, and a Naval Intelligence operative later threatened his life and the lives of his family if he continued publishing his two books. Only a few of Gary’s books are still available, but there are summarized pdf versions available free on line.

Here’s what Dr. Glum had to say about Essiac for AIDS in an interview circa 1990: “I also worked with the AIDS Project Los Angeles . . . . They had sent 179 patients home to die. They all had pneumocystis carinii and histoplasmosis. Their weight was down to about 100 pounds. Their T-4 cell counts were less than ten.”

“The Project gave me five of these patients. I took them off the AZT and the DDI and put them on Essiac three times a day. Those are the only ones alive today. The other 174 are dead. But this information is not being disseminated either, because AIDS is on the horizon as another big moneymaker.”

Dr. Glum also had success with a few cancer patients that came his way. For example, he was involved with treating one young boy with a virulent form of terminal leukemia. The boy recovered completely with Essiac Tea, only to die later from heart failure. The damage to his heart that caused the failure was traced to his earlier chemotherapy treatments!

While researching for his book, Gary Glum came across Dr. Charles A. Brusch, who was a personal physician for the late President John F. Kennedy. Dr. Brusch also ran a cancer clinic in Boston, MA. He had Rene Caise work there with him from 1959 to 1962. Dr. Brusch treated both his own cancer and Ted Kennedy’s son’s incurable cancer successfully with Essiac. Unfortunately, he was hit with a gag order and told to keep quiet or wind up in prison for the rest of his life.

Of course, Dr. Charles Brusch chose to remain silent publicly. However, Dr. Glum, in his book Calling of an Angel, had this quote from Dr. Brusch, “The results we obtained with thousands of patients of various races, sexes and ages, with all types of cancer, definitely prove Essiac to be a cure for cancer. All studies done in four laboratories in the United States and one more in Canada fortify this claim.”

Immediately after Rene Caisse’s death, authorities ransacked her home and burned Nurse Caisse’s records. But her friend Mary McPherson had saved some, and a series of autobiographical articles by Nurse Caisse had become public record. The few privy to the treatment’s ingredients and protocol kept a low profile to avoid harassment.

But thanks to Dr. Glum’s investigative journalism, the secret is out, albeit among the scattered few, and without the caveats that should be known widely among those scattered few. First the ingredients, then the caveats.

Essiac Caveats

The quality of the ingredients is the most important aspect of beneficial Essiac. There are too many watered down versions out there. Dr. Glum has stated that some providers are using irradiated herbs and even replacing sheep sorrel herbs, a common weed declared as illegal for use in Canada, with curly dock, a weed similar to red sorrel. This is critical since it has been laboratory tested and proven that sheep sorrel is the actual cancer cell killer in Essiac Tea.




Source: Essiac Northwest

The following Essiac tea instructions have been simplified to save time and to make it easier for people new to Essiac to make the tea.  The supplies for making Essiac tea can usually be found in your local hardware or grocery store in the canning supplies section. 

Supplies Needed: Enameled, glass or stainless steel pot–with lid. Canning jars, lids & rings.  Strainer and funnel or a glass measuring cup. Do not use any aluminum utensils as aluminum can react with Essiac tea.

This recipe makes one gallon of tea using 1/2 cup (4 ounces by weight) of Essiac tea herbs.  You can make a smaller, two-quart batch by dividing this recipe in half, etc.  It is best to make just enough Essiac tea to last about two weeks because Essiac tea is perishable and will eventually spoil in the refrigerator.  You may increase the shelf life of Essiac tea by sterilizing all utensils, jars, rings, lids, etc. in a boiling water bath for at least 15 minutes. 

1.   Pour one gallon of unchlorinated water into pot and bring to a boil.  (Optional:  Add extra water to compensate    for water boiling off and water absorption of herbs.)

2. Reduce heat to a slow boil to prevent boiling over and then slowly stir in (with a wooden spoon) 1/2 cup (2 oz) of dried Essiac tea herbs to boiling water.  Boil for 10 minutes (making sure it doesn’t boil over). (To make a two-quart batch use ¼ cup of herbs; one quart use 2 tbsp.)

3. Scrape down the sides of the pot and allow the tea to sit, covered, in a warm place (room temperature) for 8 to 12 hours.  Overnight works well.

4. Reheat the tea in the covered pot until steaming hot, but do not boil it twice.

5. Allow the tea to sit covered and undisturbed for several minutes so that the herbs will settle to the bottom of the pot.

6. Place funnel and strainer on top of preheated canning jars. (If you don’t have a funnel and strainer, you can use a glass measuring cup to pour the tea into the jars.)

7. Carefully pour off (decant) the liquid from the pot into the canning jars so as to keep sediment out as much as possible.     Screw the lids on, allow to cool and then refrigerate.  The sediment can be used for poultices or can be discarded or composted.  Some sediment at the bottom of jars is normal and acceptable.


Pour 1 to 2 fl. oz. of the concentrated Essiac tea (1/8 to 1/4 cup) into a mug and add hot water, once or twice daily.  Do not microwave the tea.  Drink Essiac tea on an empty stomach.

Take the time to sip your Essiac tea slowly; don’t gulp it down.  According to THE ESSIAC BOOK, Essiac tea is more effective if one holds the tea longer in the mouth–the longer, the better.  This is sometimes referred to as the sublingual method.  “Sublingual” means “under the tongue”.  The capillaries under the tongue can absorb the medicinal qualities of sheep sorrel directly into the bloodstream. 

Discard Essiac tea if it tastes sour or when white mold appears floating on the surface.  Essiac herbs and tea are light and heat sensitive so it is important to store in a cool, dry, dark place.

The dosage depends on the condition. For immune tonic use or very mild ailments, 2 ounces once daily. Increase the frequency up to 3 times daily with up to 3 ounces each time according to the severity of the ailment, which is usually cancer. The refrigerated tea can be added to hot water or warmed up for consumption. Cancer patients undergoing other treatments, even with allopathic drugs, have used



Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue. Maecenas sed diam eget risus varius blandit sit amet non magna. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Vivamus sagittis lacus vel augue laoreet rutrum faucibus dolor auctor.Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla. Nullam quis risus eget urna mollis ornare vel eu leo. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod.


Tristique Turpis Ltd.

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Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue. Maecenas sed diam eget risus varius blandit sit amet non magna. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Vivamus sagittis lacus vel augue laoreet rutrum faucibus dolor auctor.Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla. Nullam quis risus eget urna mollis ornare vel eu leo. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod.


Tristique Turpis Ltd.

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Living with Lucy :(

This will be Christine’s blog .

Wonder how she will keep up with posting on ee, updating vids on ee, posting on ee forum and then having another blog here – all this while making products and running the store . 😛

We shall see.